What are the ingredients in your products?Updated 4 months ago
All P2 Probiotic Products incorporate EPA Safer Choice food grade, pH neutral, all natural and organic transparent ingredients:
- Soil-based FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) probiotics- in All products
- Organic Coconut surfactant- in Surface Cleaner, Washer Additive, Body Wash, and Pet Shampoo
- Organic Vanilla
- Organic Spearmint
- Organic glycerin
- Biosurfactants (naturally occurring microorganisms) -created by the probiotics- in every P2 Probiotic product
- Enzymes created by the probiotics in every P2 Probiotic Product
Controversial Ingredients P2 Probiotic Power does NOT use:
- Tricosan- FDA demand for removal from cleaning products
- Sodium Laurel Sulfate-deterrent for those looking for natural products because of its perception to cause cancer
- Alcohol-not ideal for children, pets, or those with alcohol addiction
- Phthalates
- Parabens
- Synthetics-chemical preservatives and/or ingredients not derived from nature