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Directions for Using Washer AdditiveUpdated 20 days ago

Add 2 Tablespoons of P2 Probiotic Washer Additive where you add Fabric Softener in your Washing Machine. 

Warm water is best to activate the probiotics. They can live between 32 - 120 degrees. Your hot water may be too hot, and your cold too cold, depending upon how you have your water set, as well as the time of year. If you dry your clothing and towels on warm, the probiotics will stay in the fabric for several days.

f you have a front loading washer, you may have experienced the stinky ring syndrome. Even top loaders get stinky.  Our additive can help eliminate odor too.

Biofilm will form in your washer, just as it does on surfaces, skin, air and teeth. When there are odors, mold or mildew in your washer, biofilm is present. Only P2 probiotics can eliminate the biofilm shelter and put up a barrier of good baceria to keep it from returning. 

What about stinky gym or athletic clothes, smoke-filled clothes or those clothes you washed and forgot about for a day or two. Yep, our additive takes the odor out of those, too! The best part is that each time you use this additive, your washer will become cleaner because the probiotics are cleaning for you.

P2 Washer Additive is meant to be used as an adjunct to your laundry detergent. It can be used without detergent to provide superior cleaning of your clothes, but it is more economical to use as an additive in your fabric softener dispenser

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